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The RTSD seal in the shape of a sun being covered by a black moon

As we approach the highly anticipated solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, we want to ensure that our community is both excited and prepared for this remarkable event. Our school schedules will remain unchanged; all schools will operate on their traditional timetable.

Title 1 Information Meeting

All WES families are invited to attend a presentation about Title 1 policy and how we utilize Title 1 funds to help support our MTSS framework on June 8. Please register using the QR code.

Upcoming Events

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Report an Absence

To report your student's absence, click on the button below or send an email to and include your (1) student's name, (2) grade, (3) date(s) of absence, (4) reason for absence, and (5) the parent/guardian signature

EMAIl WES absence

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Stay Connected!

Make sure you are staying up to date with everything RTSD! Subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, the Radnor Reader and browse past editions. Be sure to follow our YouTube channel, Instagram and Twitter. 


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How to Help Out

Volunteers are an essential component to the success of RTSD schools and students.

All adult volunteers entering our schools to work with children must have the clearances mandated by the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law. 


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