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Celebration Book Club

For a suggested donation of $20.00 (the average price of a new book), you can celebrate your child’s most recent achievement:

  1. a birthday (Grandparents love this!)
  2. a holiday remembrance
  3. a GREAT report card
  4. setting and meeting a personal goal
  5. OR just because they are special

Your student can choose a Celebration Book from a selection of age-appropriate new books preselected by our librarian.  A commemorative bookplate will be placed in the book with your student’s name, the date, and a special note from you.  We will also take a photo in the library of your child and book and post on our celebration wall.

The book will become a permanent part of the WES library collection.

Please complete the form below and return it to your student’s teacher in an envelope marked “Library” with your donation (checks made payable to RTSD Clearing Fund).

Thank you for your support!

Please complete the form below and return it to your student’s teacher in an envelope marked “Library” with your donation (checks made payable to RTSD Clearing Fund).


I would like to celebrate my child and donate to the WES Celebration Book Club. 

Enclosed is cash/check for $20 made payable to RTSD Clearing Fund. 

Please include the following on the commemorative bookplate:

Student’s name _______________________________________________________

Student’s grade and teacher ___________________________________

Month to present book ______________________________ 

Message:  i.e. “Happy Birthday Sue“  ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian name and email __________________________________________