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Wayne Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization

The mission of the Wayne Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization is to create a sense of community between parents, teachers and students, and to support and enhance the educational experiences of our children.

Upcoming Dates and Events


  • January 13 - PTO Meeting 6:30pm
  • January 20 - NO SCHOOL - District Holiday
  • January 20 - MLK Day of Service
  • January 21 - Kindergarten Cultural Arts Assembly
  • January 22 - 5th Grade Chorus/Strings (Assembly &) Concert 7-8pm
  • January 27-31 - International Week
  • January 29 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher In-Service
  • January 31 - International Potluck


Join us for the next PTO meeting of the 2024/2025 school year which will take place on Monday, January 13, 2024 at 6:30pm in the Little Theater.

For a rundown of the discussion at the last meeting, click here for the meeting notes from the September meeting.

MLK Day of Service

MLK Day of Service has been rescheduled and will take place at Radnor High School on Saturday, January 25th from 10-11:30am. Wayne Elementary will be leading two activities, an in-person read aloud that day and a collection of gently used books and toiletries for Face to Face. The collections will begin that day and continue for 2 weeks after the holiday. New this year, we are asking each grade to be in charge of a specific toiletry item (see below). Thanks in advance for your support!

  • K - toothbrushes/toothpaste
  • 1st - body/bar soap
  • 2nd - face/body lotion
  • 3rd - shampoo/conditioner (6 oz+)
  • 4th - shaving cream
  • 5th - deodorant

Multicultural Committee

The Multicultural Committee is excited to celebrate International Week this year at WES. International Week starts on January 27, 2025. This year, we will explore the diverse country of Australia with crafts, dance, music, and more! To conclude the week, the potluck dinner returns on Friday, January 31 for the entire WES community to come together and celebrate.

Click here to Register for the Potluck on January 31. The event takes place from 6:30-8:30, please bring a dish to share with up to 8 people. All are welcome. Hope to see you there! Volunteers are needed to help set up and clean up after the event. Click here to volunteer.

Click here to help with the food tasting on Monday January 27.

We are always looking for volunteers so please get in touch with Akhila Thyli at if you can help. 

Talent Show Registration OPEN

The Wayne Elementary Stars Talent Show - Registration is NOW OPEN!  

  • Thursday, March 20 from 6:30-8:00pm
  • Mandatory Talent Show Preview- Tuesday, February 254:00 - 6:00pm
  • Online Registration is now open! Registration will close February 14th  
  • All acts must attend the preview, except for solo instrumental performances. Instrumental performances (piano, violin, flute, etc) are excused from attending the preview if a video of their performance is submitted to
  • Please read the Talent Show Rules & Music Guidelines
  • Each student is limited to one solo act and one group group act. 
  • All acts limited to 90 seconds 
  • Questions email
  • This is a FREE event. There is no fee to perform or to attend the show!

Giving Fridays Are Back! Every Friday, the WES community collects non-perishable goods for local food pantries. Just place your donations in the specially marked collection bins located outside of the school vestibule (under the overhang). Bins are out all week to accept your donations! Most-needed items include canned soups, pasta, boxed milk, PB & J, cereal, toiletries and canned fruit and veggies. Every can counts! We also need volunteers to deliver donations to food pantries on Fridays. Click here to sign up.

Questions? E-mail


Attention 5th Grade Parents: Help Needed

Hello WES 5th Grade Parents,

We need volunteers to help with fifth grade activities, we still are looking for parent volunteers to help with the yearbook, fifth grade promotion ceremony and class gift.

Please volunteer to co-chair one of the 5th Grade Activities. 

Its going to be a great year!  More information about the year will be coming but please reach out if you have any questions.

Thanks, Megan Talone and Kristin Decker

5th Grade Fun Night Save the Date

Calling all 5th graders for a night of fun and food with your classmates! Fifth Grade Activities Night will take place on February 21st from 6-8pm. **This is a drop off event.** More details to follow! 

Pretzel Friday Volunteers Needed


Pretzel Fridays Volunteer Sign Ups are open for January - March!! To make this delicious event happen each week we need helping hands to bag, sort and deliver pretzels to classrooms. We meet on Friday mornings in the cafeteria at 9:15 and the process takes approximately an hour. It's a great way to surprise your children by delivering pretzels to their classroom... so grab your coffee and join us!


The PTO needs your help for the 2024-2025 SY!

Attention Volunteers! Are you interested in getting involved with the PTO? We are looking to fill the following positions for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Nominating Committee - Co-Chair

Arts Night - Co-chair

Talent Show - Co-chair

Please email WES Nominating Committee if you are interested or have any questions. 

If you are interested in volunteering as a committee chair or just looking for ways to become more involved in the PTO, please contact Tejal Patel with the Nominating Committee or you can check out the Sign up genius here to find an opportunity that works for you! There are plenty of opportunities for working parents, stay at home parents, and everything in between!

RTSD Clearances for Volunteering

RTSD Clearances

All in-person volunteering through the school district requires clearances.  Learn more about volunteering here. 

Two students outside smiling


Executive Board

President: Elizabeth Lee

Vice President (Administration): Lindsay Valentine

Vice President (Communication): Ann St. Leger

Secretary: Juliette Dobson

Treasurer: Maureen Hudson

Assistant Treasurer: Michelle Yost

Questions? Contact us via email using the link below.

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